Monday, January 31, 2011

Valentine Book...

What a long weekend.  Cold weather and sick family.  Not fun.  Actually, I'm grateful for whenever I'm able to have my family all together.  Even if that means we are all wrapped up in blankets eating soup and watching way too much Sponge Bob.  My son is still home today.
So, I promised pictures on this blog... And here they are!!  (I think I might be getting the hang of blogging...knock on wood.)  Here are a few photos from my valentine paper bag album.  This is actually book number 2.  I made a really cute book a few weeks ago, and sold it to a friend of mine before I remembered to take any pictures.  Rookie mistake!!  Don't know what I was thinking, except for the fact that she actually wanted to buy my book and that I was very flattered.  So, I quickly whipped up this book last week and over the weekend.  Not as cute as book 1, but I'm still pretty happy with how it turned out.  Enjoy.

Stay warm everybody.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hi Everyone!!
Welcome to "a little of this...".
I have been waiting for just the right time to start my own blog, so I guess 2011 must be it.
a little about me...
I am a happily married stay-at-home mom with 3 kids (2 girls and a boy) and an alpha cat named "Duke".  He was named after John Wayne and he totally fits the part.  More on that later...I'm sure.
My oldest baby is in high school while my youngest is in 2nd grade.  My hubby and I just celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary this past October.  Wow!!  Talk about time flying...   Just thinking about 20 years blows my mind away.  Truly the best years of my life.  My family and I live in the midwest.  Cold!!  I'm not a big fan of winter.  But I am a big fan of crafting!!  LOVE IT!!  When I'm not in the car driving kids to marching band, choir, cub scouts, piano lessons and taekwando class, you can find me in my studio (in the basement...) crafting.  I started to scrapbook about 8 years ago.  What began as a project to make a few baby books for my kids has turned into a crazy (don't look at my credit card statements) obsession.  Today, I still work on my own 12x12 albums, but I also love creating mini and altered books as well.  I love everything Tim Holtz!!  Have you seen his new stamps?  My latest art venture has been to create an art journal.  Total freedom with an art journal.  I love to layer and play with all kinds of mediums.  
Stay tuned for photos.  I do promise pictures (once I figure out
I have a feeling that I  have a little bit more to learn about setting up a stylish and hopefully interesting blog.
So stay with me.  I will get the hang of this.
Just a side note, my oldest was leaning over my shoulder a moment ago as I was typing. She was patiently trying to give me quick advise on easy changes I can do with this site.  It didn't take her long to roll her eyes and walk away disappointed. Since when did I turn into my mom trying to figure out how to use a VCR for the first time?
Ok, thats all for now.
I would love comments and of course your latest and greatest crafting ideas!!